In The News

Whistleblower Network News: VA Whistleblower Scott Davis

Whistleblower Network News As of December 19, 2021 these are the statistics concerning American veterans this holiday season: More than 40,000 American veterans are homeless this Christmas. More than 400,000 are suffering from PTSD and are unable to get mental health treatment. More than 80,000 American veterans have committed suicide since 2008. More than 20

Just The News: Security adviser Sullivan’s wife faces calls to recuse herself from DOJ’s Russia investigation

Just The News Margaret “Maggie” Goodlander, counsel to Attorney General Merrick Garland, is facing calls to recuse herself from any involvement in the Trump-Russia investigation over the probe’s connections to her husband, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, The Washington Free Beacon reports. Special Counsel John Durham’s Trump-Russia probe is overseen by Garland, who is in charge of Simpson Thacher’s Crypto Industry Ties Scrutinized in Lawsuit Against SEC A government accountability group is taking aim at potential conflicts of interest involving former top SEC officials and their ties to Simpson Thacher & Bartlett … and the firm’s ties to the crypto industry. The group, Empower Oversight Whistleblowers and Research, sued the SEC last week seeking information about communications between Simpson Thacher and former SEC Division of

Law360: SEC Sued For Docs On Ex-Officials’ Potential Crypto Conflicts

Law360 A government watchdog group is suing the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in an effort to compel the agency to comply with document requests relating to potential conflicts of interests associated with former high-ranking SEC officials and their oversight of cryptocurrency. Empower Oversight filed a lawsuit Friday in Virginia federal court alleging the SEC

AMBCRYPTO: Empower Oversight files action for SEC to comply with its FOIA request for documents

AMBCRYPTO Many in the crypto community believe that there are major conflicts of interest where government employees and crypto assets are concerned. This became a burning hot issue during the SEC vs Ripple Labs lawsuit. Especially, when XRP community members claimed that key SEC figures had connections with the Ethereum ecosystem. Now, an action filed by Empower Oversight Whistleblowers & Research

Breitbart: Jake Sullivan’s Wife Pressured to Recuse Herself from Durham Probe

Breitbart Jake Sullivan’s wife, Margaret Goodlander, is under pressure to recuse herself from Special Counsel John Durham’s Trump-Russia probe, which involves her husband who worked for the 2016 Clinton campaign. … The Durham probe is overseen by Garland, which presents a conflict of interest for Goodlander, whose boss has authority over Durham’s investigative budget, scope, and release of the probe’s

Free Beacon: Jake Sullivan’s Wife Faces Growing Calls for Recusal From Durham Probe

Free Beacon A top adviser to Attorney General Merrick Garland is facing calls to recuse herself from the Justice Department’s investigation of the Trump-Russia probe, which has looked into the actions of her husband, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. Margaret Goodlander serves as counsel to Garland, who oversees Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation. Garland has

Just the News: New memos raise alarming questions about whether politics influenced probe into Obama appointee

“The new documents, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the Empower Oversight whistleblower group, are raising questions about whether politics influenced a supposedly neutral process conducted by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency’s Integrity Committee, the disciplinary arm of the inspector general community.” Read more here.