In The News
August 22, 2024

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul pressed the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Wednesday on why the agency is weaponizing watchlists to spy on political dissidents as terrorists.

In a letter to TSA Administrator David Pekoske, Paul cited recent whistleblower reports disclosing the transportation agency’s surveillance of former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, and the wife of a federal air marshal through the Quiet Skies program.

Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt charged the TSA with initiating a probe against an anonymous whistleblower who came forward, writing, “a retaliatory investigation that hunts for whistleblowers in order to intimidate them into silence is exactly the wrong step for the agency to take.”

“Instead, agency leadership should be investigating the abuses on which FAMs are blowing the whistle,” Leavitt wrote.

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