WASHINGTON –Empower Oversight released an updated version of its timeline examining the origins of COVID-19 following submissions from noted researchers and think tanks. This timeline demonstrates the history and context in which the virus has ravaged the globe and documents the response to the pandemic. The working timeline can be found here.
This would not have been possible without the help of several contributors. At the outset of this project, Empower Oversight called for researchers, journalists, and others to submit additional entries or edits to the original draft. Many have submitted extensive edits and contributions, as well as providing valuable information that could not be included here due to the limitations of the timeline format.
Specifically, Empower Oversight would like to thank Ian Birrell, Paul Thacker, and Alina Chan for their contributions. In addition to those three, special thanks are owed to DRASTIC Research for all of their work on this project, as well as all the others who submitted information.
“While China continues to stifle any investigation, global health organizations prove to be ineffectual and unreliable, and Congress is stiff-armed by our own government, Empower Oversight sought input from professionals dedicated to uncovering the truth to help create this timeline as a research tool,” said EMPOWR Founder and President Jason Foster. “Thanks to all who submitted entries to this COVID-19 origins tracker and those continuing to work to discover the truth and help prevent another pandemic like COVID-19.”
If you have any inside information to assist with this effort, or know anyone who does and is seeking assistance, secure contact information for Empower Oversight is available at https://empoweroversig.wpengine.com/contact/