In The News
May 15, 2023


Three FBI officials will testify on alleged ‘abuses of power’ by FBI leadership – ranging from discrimination against conservatives to inflation of domestic terrorism statistics – during a public whistleblower hearing by the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Thursday, has learned exclusively.

Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee and head of the select committee, has secured the in-person testimony of suspended FBI special agents Garret O’Boyle and Steve Friend, as well as former FBI State Operations Specialist Marcus Allen. President of Empower Oversight Tristan Leavitt will also be testifying. 

Specifically, the former agents accuse the FBI of inflating statistics on ‘domestic violent extremism’ to fit the Biden administration’s political narrative that extremism is on the rise nationwide.

Friend had his security clearance revoked last September after he vocalized concerns to his superiors, which he described in an affidavit as being a clear retaliatory move by the agency against him. O’Boyle’s clearance has also been stripped.

The hearing comes after Republicans published a 1,000 page report last November on ‘FBI and DOJ Politicization.’

The report included information on disclosures from 14 whistleblowers that revealed FBI leadership demonstrated a ‘political bias’ against conservatives, manipulated domestic violent extremism statistics for ‘political purposes’ and downplayed the investigation into Hunter Biden – among other alleged abuses of power.

Read the full article HERE.