Press Release

Were Secret Justice Department Subpoenas Targeting Congressional Attorneys a Legitimate Inquiry or Improper Intelligence Gathering?

WASHINGTON – Empower Oversight is seeking information regarding the U.S. Department of Justice’s subpoenas of the personal phone and email records of Members of Congress and a dozen or more attorneys for congressional committees, including Empower’s founder, Jason Foster, while they worked on Capitol Hill in 2017. The Justice Department’s targets were from both political

Empower Oversight Files 26-page Appeal for FBI Whistleblower Marcus Allen’s Full Reinstatement from Improper Security Clearance Suspension

WASHINGTON – Citing new, overwhelming evidence in support of FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen, Empower Oversight filed an appeal with the FBI to restore him to work, provide back-pay, and reverse the proposed revocation of his clearance in retaliation for raising concerns about the truthfulness of FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony to the U.S. Senate. The

Shapley Legal Team Statement on Hunter Biden Lawsuit against IRS

WASHINGTON – IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley’s legal team issued the following statement today in reaction to the the Hunter Biden lawsuit against the IRS: “This suit against the IRS is just another frivolous smear by Biden family attorneys trying to turn people’s attention away from Hunter Biden’s own legal problems and intimidate any

Shapley attorneys: Biden lawyer peddling fiction

WASHINGTON – In a desperate attempt to save their client, Hunter Biden’s attorneys continue to press a false narrative against two whistleblowers who risked their careers to show government malfeasance in its investigation and prosecution of Biden. Attorneys for IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley made the following comment in response to the outrageous accusations

VA Nominee Finds Troubles Growing as Nomination Comes to Vote in Senate Today

WASHINGTON – Pressure is growing on the nominee to help lead the Department of Veterans Affairs as veterans groups turn up the heat on Congress. Despite the scheduled vote today, Tanya Bradsher, the nominee for Deputy Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, continues to sidestep questions posed by veterans groups after whistleblowers reported to

Empower Oversight: Hunter Biden Attorneys’ Letter Lobbying the Biden Justice Department to Prosecute IRS Whistleblowers Should be Public

WASHINGTON – Empower Oversight (Empower) has filed a Freedom of Information Act request for communications initiated by attorneys for Hunter Biden to the Department of Justice asking the department to investigate IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley. Shapley made protected whistleblower disclosures to the U.S. House of Representatives about the handling and prosecution of Hunter

Shapley Attorneys React to NY Times

Attorneys for Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley made the following comment in response to the New York Times story about the events that transpired in the Hunter Biden case. “SSA Shapley came forward for nothing more than to do the right thing and tell truth. Everything we have learned since he came forward has only

Shapley Legal Team Statement on Appointment of Special Counsel David Weiss

WASHINGTON — IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley’s legal team issued the following statement today in reaction to the appointment of David Weiss as special counsel in the Hunter Biden matter: “The courageous IRS whistleblowers who risked their careers to inform the American people about problems with the Hunter Biden investigation have been subjected to

Empower Oversight Advisor Releases New Book on Operation Fast & Furious Scandal   

WASHINGTON —  Empower Oversight whistleblower advisor and retired ATF Agent Pete Forcelli has written a new book providing his own detailed accounting of the Operation Fast and Furious scandal and the consequences that plagued the ATF for years afterward.   When Forcelli was promoted to a supervisory position in Phoenix after a highly respected career in New York City,