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Whistleblower Network News: Sen. Grassley Demands Answers about Whistleblower Allegations at VA; Cites WNN Article

Whistleblower Network News In a letter to Denis McDonough, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) urges the VA to answer questions about alleged whistleblower retaliation and lack of action in responding to a congressional probe of issues whistleblowers raised regarding ethics. Grassley opens the letter by mentioning an article published on WNN and written by

Whistleblower Network News: Whistleblower Advocates Commend Grassley for Questions to CFTC Nominees

Whistleblower Network News On October 14, a collection of whistleblower advocacy groups sent a letter to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) commending him for recently questioning nominees to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) about their support for the agency’s whistleblower program. According to the groups, Grassley’s questions “are highly encouraging to us as organizations deeply committed to whistleblower protection.”

Just the News: Watchdog group seeks records on government funding of gain-of-function research

“The non-partisan government watchdog group Empower Oversight is looking into the origins of COVID-19, and whether the government knowingly or unwittingly contributed monetarily to the Chinese lab at the center of the outbreak. “According to Empower Oversight, the group submitted numerous Freedom of Information Act requests in order to obtain a better understanding of what

Just The News: Ethics watchdog wants probe of possible improper gift to Senate panel chasing Trump-Russia hoax

Just The News A watchdog group is calling for a Senate ethics investigation into a Democratic staffer for the Armed Services Committee regarding the Russia collusion hoax. Empower Oversight sent a letter of complaint to the Senate Select Committee on Ethics requesting an investigation into Thomas Kirk McConnell, a staffer on the Armed Services Committee, for asking for and

CBS News: Whistleblower claims Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives personnel were improperly paid bonuses reserved for criminal investigators

CBS News A whistleblower is accusing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives of fraud, waste and abuse. CBS News was told the alleged practice could potentially involve hundreds of millions of tax dollars across multiple federal agencies.  The whistleblower said some in administrative jobs at the agency were paid a special bonus known

Whistleblower Network News: Whistleblower Advocacy Groups Send Letter to Senators Urging Amendment of Intelligence Authorization Act

Whistleblower Network News On September 22, five whistleblower advocacy groups co-signed a letter to a group of senators voicing concerns about a section of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022. The groups worry that language in Section 321 of the Act would discourage intelligence whistleblowers from speaking out and obfuscate where their disclosures are protected.

Free Beacon: Biden Administration Doles Out $250K to Wuhan Lab-Linked Group

Free Beacon The Biden administration awarded more than $250,000 to an organization whose founder waged a secret campaign last year to undercut the theory that the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency granted $253,279 to EcoHealth Alliance in July to conduct research to thwart the use of viruses as weapons of mass