In The News

Just The News: Watchdog report sparked by Grassley finds ethic violation in Department of Veterans Affairs

Just The News A federal watchdog report, sparked by concerns from Iowa GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley, has identified a potential conflict of interest and resulting ethic violation within the office at the Department of Veterans Affairs that helps runs the GI Bill program. An inspector general report released March 24 found Charmain Bogue, as executive director of the Veterans

Daily Signal: Watchdog Confirms Senator’s Unanswered Suspicions About VA Official’s Conflict of Interest

Daily Signal A watchdog report prompted by Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, identifies a conflict of interest in the Department of Veterans Affairs office that runs the GI Bill program.  The VA inspector general’s report faults Charmain Bogue, who resigned as executive director of the Veterans Benefits Administration’s Education Service amid the investigation, for working with her husband’s employer and

The Epoch Times: Oversight Watchdog Wants to Know Why 2 Intelligence Community IGs Were Overpaid

The Epoch Times Presidentially appointed inspectors general (IG) at two key intelligence community agencies were collectively overpaid more than $168,000 between 2016 and 2020, but it’s unclear whether any corrective action has been taken, according to a Department of Defense (DOD) memo obtained by a nonprofit government watchdog. Information about the overpayments is contained in a Jan.

The Epoch Times: NIH Admits it ‘Suppressed’ Wuhan Lab Genetic Data, but Disputes Watchdog’s ‘Deleted’ Label

The Epoch Times A National Institutes for Health (NIH) spokesman is disputing a non-profit watchdog group’s claim that the agency “deleted” genetic sequencing data on the CCP virus from a Chinese lab, but the same official acknowledged the data was “suppressed.” “The headline says the sequences were deleted which is inaccurate. They were not deleted. This is

ICYMI: Empower Oversight Releases Report on Documents from NIH Lawsuit Related to COVID-19 Origins

Just-Released Docs Reveal NIH Deleted COVID Data For Wuhan Researcher Michelle Edwards | UncoverDC An eye-opening 238 pages of just-released documents from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) disclose that in June 2020—at the request of researchers at China’s Wuhan University—the NIH deleted information about COVID-19 genetic sequencing. The tranche of emails, obtained by the non-partisan group Empower

Christianity Daily: FOIA Reveals Fauci And Collins-Led NIH Deleted COVID Data At Wuhan University Researcher’s Request

Christianity Daily Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and lawsuit by the Virginia-based Empower Oversight Whistleblowers and Researchers revealed the United States National Institutes of Health agreed to delete SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequencing. The Gateway Pundit alleged that the NIH secretly deleted the COVID-19 genetic sequencing data provided them by the Wuhan Institute of

The Epoch Times: NIH Deleted Info From Wuhan Lab on CCP Virus Genetic Sequencing, Watchdog’s FOIA Finds

The Epoch Times National Institutes of Health (NIH) documents obtained by a nonprofit watchdog in a federal court suit reveal that the agency deleted CCP virus genetic sequencing information from the Wuhan Institute of Virology at the Chinese lab’s request. The Arlington, Virginia-based Empower Oversight Whistleblowers and Researchers (EO) obtained, as a result of a Freedom of Information Act

UncoverDC: Just-Released Docs Reveal NIH Deleted COVID Data For Wuhan Researcher

UncoverDC An eye-opening 238 pages of just-released documents from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) disclose that in June 2020—at the request of researchers at China’s Wuhan University—the NIH deleted information about COVID-19 genetic sequencing. The tranche of emails, obtained by the non-partisan group Empower Oversight following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, reveal the frenzy

Just The News: National Institutes of Health deleted COVID info at Wuhan researcher’s request, emails show

Just The News The National Institutes of Health deleted information about COVID-19 genetic sequencing during the pandemic at the request of researchers in Wuhan, China, a move that created consternation in science circles, according to emails obtained by a nonpartisan whistleblower and government oversight group.  The emails obtained by the Empower Oversight group show a

Just The News: Inspector general shrugs at decade-long security lapses at Voice of America parent agency

Just The News The State Department’s in-house watchdog and congressional Republicans have very different appraisals of the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), the government-run news agency responsible for broadcasting America’s message to the world. The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) shrugged at concerns by USAGM’s first Senate-confirmed CEO, Michael Pack, that it had routinely