In The News

Just the News: Federal biosecurity board cut back meetings as US resumed gain-of-function research funding

Just the News A federal committee that advises the government on “biological research that has the potential for misuse” met only once between 2017, when a 3-year moratorium on federal funding of gain-of-function (GOF) research was lifted, and 2022, according to its meeting schedule, leaving the panel largely dormant through the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, widely believed to have

The Epoch Times: DOJ Inspector General Seeking Testimony Of Former FBI Agent Steve Friend, Contradicting Democrat Claims

The Epoch Times The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General’s Office intends to interview former FBI special agent Steve Friend regarding allegations he has raised about the agency. … Friend further alleged that the FBI has departed from its everyday case management practices and has widely listed field offices around the country as the

The Daily Caller: DOJ Internal Watchdog Shuts Down House Democrats’ Claims Against FBI Whistleblower

The Daily Caller The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (DOJ-OIG) has contradicted House Democrats’ claim about whistleblower and former FBI Special Agent Steve Friend, a group representing Friend announced in a March 15 press release. House Judiciary Democrats released a 316-page report early March challenging the credibility of whistleblowers who sat for transcribed interviews

The Washington Times: Democrats repay FBI chieftains for all their political help

The Washington Times Democrats owe the FBI, particularly the seventh floor of its Washington headquarters, a lot. Not surprisingly, as House Republicans took their first batch of transcribed testimony from FBI whistleblowers, Democrats immediately set out to sabotage them and Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, in the process. … Jason Foster, former chief investigative counsel for Sen. Charles

Sharyl Attkisson: Watchdog questions why Democrats made false claims re: FBI whistleblower Steve Friend

Sharyl Attkisson Empower Oversight’s President Tristan Leavitt has sent a letter to the Inspector General of the Department of Justice seeking confirmation that former FBI Special Agent Steve Friend’s concerns have not been “rejected” by the Inspector General’s office, contrary to mischaracterizations in widely trumpeted Congressional leaks attacking several whistleblowers. In Friend’s whistleblower complaint to

Breitbart: Whistleblower Accuses Bank of America of Giving Private Customer Info to FBI to Target Gun Purchasers

Breitbart A whistleblower testified in a closed-door interview with the House Judiciary Committee in February that a major financial institution inappropriately data mined its customers’ bank information to aid the FBI in January 6 riot investigations. Retired FBI National Security Intelligence Supervisor George Hill, who was based in the Boston Field Office in 2021, said

The Federalist: EXCLUSIVE: House Democrats Lied About Whistleblower In Leak To Corrupt Media

The Federalist House Democrats lied when they said an investigation into an FBI whistleblower’s claim of retaliation had been dismissed, according to a letter obtained exclusively by The Federalist. On the contrary, an investigation into Special Agent Steve Friend’s claims is ongoing.  Last week, Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee leaked a “staff report” that