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ICYMI – Daily Mail, EXCLUSIVE: Merrick Garland underling contacted IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley to discuss his Hunter Biden allegations before he testified – then immediately struck sweetheart deal with president’s son

Attorneys for senior IRS investigator Gary Shapley revealed a top Justice official approached them in April saying he wanted to investigate Shapley’s claims of slow-rolling and obstruction in Hunter’s case. Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer immediately met with Hunter’s lawyers and his Delaware prosecutor, who days later struck a ‘sweetheart’ deal with the president’s son for blanket

ICYMI: New York Post – DOJ contacted Hunter Biden, whistleblower teams over Weiss’ head: rep

WASHINGTON — A senior Justice Department official’s contact with lawyers for both Hunter Biden and IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley shows that DOJ headquarters — not Delaware US attorney David Weiss — controlled the federal investigation of the first son, Shapley’s legal team said Wednesday. Shapley’s lawyers revealed their contacts with associate deputy attorney general Bradley Weinsheimer after his role