In The News
September 11, 2023

WASHINGTON – Pressure is growing on the nominee to help lead the Department of Veterans Affairs as veterans groups turn up the heat on Congress.

Despite the scheduled vote today, Tanya Bradsher, the nominee for Deputy Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, continues to sidestep questions posed by veterans groups after whistleblowers reported to the Senate detailed privacy concerns regarding the VA’s Integrated Workflow Solution system and Bradsher’s oversight of the system.

Senator Chuck Grassley conducted extensive oversight, and allegations brought forward by the whistleblowers have been substantiated by the Inspector General.

Empower Oversight assisted VA whistleblowers to report these issues to the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. In a letter from Empower and Whistleblowers of America, Empower pressed the chair and ranking member of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs to more adequately address the concerns brought forward by the VA whistleblowers.

In addition, multiple whistleblower organizations and veterans groups have urged the Senate to seriously consider the allegations raised by the VA whistleblowers in numerous letters to the committee.

ICYMI-DisabledVeterans.Org: VA Nominee Tanya Bradsher In Hot Water: Inside The Brewing IT Scandal & Its Implications For Veterans

“In the heart of Capitol Hill, another scandal is brewing. This isn’t your typical front-page scoop. This is a potential dereliction of duty that the Biden Administration can ill afford in the nomination of Tanya Bradsher.

“VA Deputy Secretary nominee Tanya Bradsher, poised to assume one of the most consequential roles at the Department of Veterans Affairs, is under the spotlight for not just an IT data breach but the allegations of “misleading” the Senate in her statements about it…”

For the rest of the story click here. Biden’s pick for a top VA role faces tough Senate confirmation battle after scathing review

“The full Senate is expected to vote on President Joe Biden’s nominee for the number-two spot at the Department of Veterans Affairs, shortly after the completion of a scathing review that shows a VA recordkeeping system that she oversees risks exposing sensitive personal information on veterans and agency employees. 

“Last month, the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee advanced the nomination of Tanya Bradsher, current chief of staff to VA Secretary Denis McDonough, to be deputy secretary by a vote of 13-6. The Senate came back into session this week.

“In her current role, Bradsher has had authority over the VA Integrated Enterprise Workflow Solution Case and Correspondence Management, also known as the VIEWS CCM system, which a recent review conducted by the department’s Office of Information Technology determined had serious flaws — but was improving.

“Peter C. Rizzo, a certified fraud examiner and former VA program manager, was one three VA whistleblowers who raised concerns about the system…”

Click here for the full story.

ICYMI-“Inside the Brewing IT Scandal at VA – Whistleblowers Speak Out” with Kristen Ruell, Peter Rizzo, Ken Crandall, Ben Krause

Click here for the full podcast.
