Press Release
July 5, 2023

Empower Presses Washington Post to Expose False Claim by Biden Lawyer, Admit Source of Leak was Not Shapley

WASHINGTON —  Attorneys for IRS Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Gary Shapley sent an affidavit to the House Ways and Means Committee in which Shapley denies he had any communication with Washington Post reporters Devlin Barrett and Perry Stein, the authors of an Oct. 6, 2022, article cited by Biden attorney Abbe Lowell in a recent letter attacking the IRS whistleblowers for alleged “illegal leaks.” (Federal agents see chargeable tax, gun-purchase case against Hunter Biden). 

Shapley’s affidavit comes following additional “false and defamatory statements about SSA Shapley,” as well as “statements full of careful insinuations and speculation,” from lawyers representing Hunter Biden. These continued attacks in response to his whistleblowing, and false accusations that come close to defamation, led Shapley to send the affidavit. 

The Shapley attorneys have also asked the reporters to publicly acknowledge that IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley is not a source for their Oct. 6, 2022, story. Shapley’s attorneys are not asking the Post reporters to reveal their source for the leaked documents, but only to inform the public and Biden’s lawyers that Shapley has never communicated with either reporter on any story. 

To see the letter to Barrett and Stein, along with the text of a sworn affidavit to the House Ways and Means Committee from Shapley, please click here for the letter to Congress and here for the letter to the Washington Post